I've Been A Very Good Girl
I always go to bed when I'm supposed to... (*unless I'm not sleepy)
I always eat what Mommy makes... (*unless it tastes yucky)
I never cry to get what I want... (*unless it's really important)
I never pull the kitties' fur or terrorize them (*unless they're stupid enough to come near me)
Yes, I've been very good this year, Santa. I even sat on your lap without crying (*until I was done, that is! -which was exactly 30 seconds after this picture was taken).

Please forgive the weird blue strip on the right side. Our scanner is pretty old, and it seems to do this every once in a while.
I always eat what Mommy makes... (*unless it tastes yucky)
I never cry to get what I want... (*unless it's really important)
I never pull the kitties' fur or terrorize them (*unless they're stupid enough to come near me)
Yes, I've been very good this year, Santa. I even sat on your lap without crying (*until I was done, that is! -which was exactly 30 seconds after this picture was taken).

Please forgive the weird blue strip on the right side. Our scanner is pretty old, and it seems to do this every once in a while.