Catching Up
From my brother Mike's November wedding... mostly. Christmas pics up soon.

Playing "How 'Bout This?" (a monkey-see-monkey-do game) with Aunt Jamie the night before the wedding.

Trying hard to behave while standing up in the pew at Uncle Mike's wedding.

Entertaining myself in the pew in front of Momma and Daddy.

A quick candid during the ceremony.

Gleefully clawing Uncle Kirk's eyes out. He's a good sport.

While waiting for the photographer at the reception. Cousin Kaylee is in the brown dress.

With her cousin, Jordan.

One of the Christmas dresses given by Grandma Surla.

A better shot of the whole dress.

Playing "How 'Bout This?" (a monkey-see-monkey-do game) with Aunt Jamie the night before the wedding.

Trying hard to behave while standing up in the pew at Uncle Mike's wedding.

Entertaining myself in the pew in front of Momma and Daddy.

A quick candid during the ceremony.

Gleefully clawing Uncle Kirk's eyes out. He's a good sport.

While waiting for the photographer at the reception. Cousin Kaylee is in the brown dress.

With her cousin, Jordan.

One of the Christmas dresses given by Grandma Surla.

A better shot of the whole dress.
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