Daisy Can...
We're less than a week away from Big Ole Birthday Number One, and it's been a very long time since I gave a report on all the wonderful things Daisy is learning and doing.
She is talking.
She can say "Da Da" and "Da Dee." She can also say "Ma Ma," but only does so when she's crying.
She can say "Tee Tee" (which means Kitty), and "Dog"- which she learned at the sitter's. They have a Jack Russell Terrier.
She can say "Hi" and "Bye bye."
She can say "Uh-Oh" and "Owww."
We are also teaching her to sign. And by we, I mean *I*. So even though she only gets a little bit of instruction during the day, she has picked up quite a lot. She understands more signs than she can do herself, but she can do:
More (*this is her favorite sign)
Book (*a close second favorite)
She crawls on all fours now and pulls herself to sitting or standing at will. I don't think it will be long until she can stand unassisted. And then walking will be right around the corner. Where did my little baby go?
Well, it's late, and I know most of you just come for the pictures, anyway. So here they are:

She is talking.
She can say "Da Da" and "Da Dee." She can also say "Ma Ma," but only does so when she's crying.
She can say "Tee Tee" (which means Kitty), and "Dog"- which she learned at the sitter's. They have a Jack Russell Terrier.
She can say "Hi" and "Bye bye."
She can say "Uh-Oh" and "Owww."
We are also teaching her to sign. And by we, I mean *I*. So even though she only gets a little bit of instruction during the day, she has picked up quite a lot. She understands more signs than she can do herself, but she can do:
More (*this is her favorite sign)
Book (*a close second favorite)
She crawls on all fours now and pulls herself to sitting or standing at will. I don't think it will be long until she can stand unassisted. And then walking will be right around the corner. Where did my little baby go?
Well, it's late, and I know most of you just come for the pictures, anyway. So here they are:

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