First Spoon Feeding, Etc.
It was an interesting experience. First she was horrified at having something other than breastmilk in her mouth. Then she was puzzled... then curious... and finally, something like pleased. She ate everything put in her mouth; didn't spit out a bite. I didn't give her too much, though.

I'm also including a few pics of Daisy in her activity saucer. She's still a bit too small for it, so I probably will wait a while longer before we try again. She did seem to like it quite a bit, though!

Daisy stats as of Tuesday, August 1st.
Length: 25 in.
Weight: 15lb. 2oz.
Averaging in the 75th percentile

I'm also including a few pics of Daisy in her activity saucer. She's still a bit too small for it, so I probably will wait a while longer before we try again. She did seem to like it quite a bit, though!

Daisy stats as of Tuesday, August 1st.
Length: 25 in.
Weight: 15lb. 2oz.
Averaging in the 75th percentile
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